Substances ☹☹
‘What ever goes up, comes back down’ – Substances provide certain feel-good chemicals to explode into action by stimulating our brain chemistry with artificial highs. Think of feel – good chemicals as light switches, switching on through feelings created or rewards we generate naturally. Check out a substance and its artificial impact on your mental health.
Social Media ☹☺
Hustling on social feed is real, we’ll do anything for a couple of ‘likes’ in the bank. #like4like
Why are we seeing an increase in young people’s mental health in modern day times?! The connection between feel-good chemicals & social media has a big question mark. Time to get Sherlock Holmes on the case to detect a few suspicious and suspect clues.
Read MoreExercise☺☺
Our unprescribed antidote! It’s foundational growth and development on the state of mind deserves more respect. Exercise is the master mind stimulator and energy channeller to put down any anxious or depressive stress – RIGHT! Feel-good chemical releases post workout should be knighted by the king for their services to the mental state of mind.
Read MoreMusic☺☺
The powerhouse of beats, rhythm, vocal chord’s and togetherness. Music flirts with feel-good chemicals creating uplifting emotions, fuelling motivation, mental performance and therapeutic releases. Studies reveal which feel-good chemicals we induce to the sound of the beat.